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One-on-one mind-body coaching for individuals who can benefit from weight loss, fitness and exercise, and meal planning/preparation.

Your Healthy Best

You may think that all of your “food issues” are your fault, but nothing could be further from the truth. Of course you’re confused about what works and what doesn’t, there are hundreds of thousands of diet plans out there, and none of them have been proven to work long-term, because none of them were designed with your personal wellbeing in mind (I'm talking to you, cabbage soup and ice cream diets, and you, too, keto). It is possible to reach your desired and ideal weight, feel good, regain your energy, create change that will last a lifetime, and have fun while doing it, I promise.

Are you sick of wondering why you just can’t lose those “last five/ten/twenty+ pounds”?

Have you tried everything from low carb to keto to low-fat and back again, but still wind up in the same place, or worse than when you started?

Are you a busy Mom? Do you feel like you could use some help getting nourishing meals on your and/or your family's plates and would love to learn some simple cooking techniques that will actually save you time? 

Have you ever been on a diet that “worked” for a while, but then found yourself staring back down the empty container of cookies/chips/ice cream wondering how you got there?

Do you feel like you’ve been fighting with the mirror and the scale ever since you discovered what they were?

Do you struggle with feelings of guilt, shame, and judgement when it comes to food and eating?

Are you ready to get rid of these negative cycles, and to experience radiant health and wellness while enjoying beautiful, delicious food?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, my program is right for you!

Program details:

*Please note the below is my recommended and typical format, however, it can be tailored in order to fit your lifestyle. Every program is completely personalized for you. 


  • I offer 3 and 6 month programs, though most people do better with 6 months

  • We will meet either on the phone, via  zoom, or if you are in the Saraota area (and have the time), in person once twice a month for one hour. You get to choose the format that is most comfortable for you.

  • I will additionally be available via for another fifteen-minute phone call, and via email in between sessions in case any questions, thoughts, or breakthroughs occur!

  • If you are in the Sarasota area, I ask that we meet a minimum of one time in person, at your local grocery store. Here, we will go on a fun little “tour” and discuss some new and interesting foods to add to your diet. We can do this virtually, too. 

  • Exercise frequency, intensity, and type recommendations. Movement is key to a long and healthy life! Even if you’re already working out daily, it’s likely that your routine could use some fine-tuning.

  • Accountability systems–think of me as your running buddy on your journey to health. No running required. 

Here is a sampling of some of the things we will cover during our bi-weekly sessions:


  • Food: I will provide several recipes for you to try at home, which are completely customized to your preferences.

  • Thought patterns and habits that have you feeling stuck and how to begin to think differently

  • Energy management

  • Exercise and movement coaching

  • How to make your relationships work in alignment with your health goals


Contact me  to book a 30-minute complimentary discovery call or for more information. Please note that space is limited so that I can give you the highest possible quality care and attention. Payment plans are available.


Workplace Wellness

Let me bring health and wealth together with your company. I am available for in-office coaching, and also offer 360 wellness programs for businesses. 

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